Welcome to my most comprehensive course to date on balancing your hormones & shredding fat for life…

Introductory Offer!


What the 4 Week Course includes;

  • Total road map to hormone balance success

  • A four week hormone balance training program

  • 24/7 Support with access to private facebook group

  • Weekly video tutorials on hormone balance success

  • Meal plans guidelines & recipes for hormone balance

  • Accountability Coaching with daily check ins so you stay committed to your goals

I be releasing 4 x hormone balance handbooks which combine my 18 years of experience coaching people to take control of their bod by understanding how hormones govern it & what we can do to address stubborn areas of body fat associated with hormone imbalance.


The 4 handbooks you will receive are listed below & explain in detail what we can do in each area of our life to naturally balance hormones.

  1. EAT for hormone balance

  2. LIVE for hormone balance

  3. TRAIN for hormone balance

  4. SUPPLEMENT for hormone balance

Each handbook will give you the road map you need to finally understand hormones & tackle stubborn areas of body fat naturally.

Every week during this 4 week Hormone Balance Accountability Course, you will have a video tutorial going into more detail about each aspect of how to balance hormones naturally with a LIVE Q & A at the end of each video release.

EAT for hormone balance includes a comprehensive guide to eating the right types of food at the right types of day for increased energy & concentration as well as sustainable solutions for long term fat loss & health.

Some of the common questions which are all answered in the handbook are;

  • Can I have carbohydrates & still get results (YES and I will explain how)

  • What if I don’t eat meat (we have vegan options)

  • Can I eat treats still (YES you absolutely can, in fact for hormone balance & fat loss results I recommend regular treat days

LIVE for hormone balance includes the best lifestyle guidelines for balancing hormones including sleep & stress solutions as well as a daily lifestyle questionnaire to track moods & energy.

Many hormone imbalances are caused from very basic things like dehydration & burning the candle at both ends. This handbook will guide you with simple lifestyle changes as well as keep you accountable to making the commitment to change.

TRAIN for hormone balance will outline the best exercises & exercise duration for naturally balancing hormones as well as safe execution & core activation techniques including pelvic floor health.

The handbook will come complete with a 4 week exercise program with video instruction & will include home & gym workouts.

SUPPLEMENT for hormone balance will outline the best natural minerals, vitamins & amino acids to help with hormone balance.

The handbook will also explain why certain minerals and vitamins are needed to help balance hormones as well as explain the role of amino acids to help assist muscle recovery & improve body fat composition.

I am really looking forward to bringing this brand new course to you which will also include an accountability component throughout the 4 weeks with daily check ins on your progress & your ongoing commitment to balance your hormones & shred fat for life.

Yours in Hormone Health & Fitness,

Sally Gatt xx

The Muscle Mumma